My moviepage


Ok, I admit it: I AM a film freak. No movie's too good and no movie's too bad for me (well of course it is, but I see it anyway). I try to see as many, and as different movies as I can. It doesn't matter if it's a lovestory, an action, a splatter, an adventure, anything, as long as it's well made (and THAT'S a lie!). I try as good as I can to see every new movie, but it ain't easy (but it IS expensive). My favourite movies are the Star Wars movies, but somehow I think you've already guessed that. Here in Trondheim I have two main "filmsources" Trondheim kino and Filmklubben/Cinemateket

Two people, more than any, have made a great impression on me regarding movies. As you can see from the pictures, they are Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. E.T., Indy, Star Wars, American Graffiti and all the other movies are for me the essence of what movies are all about: Adventure ,suspence and escape from reality. Yes, I know they have made realistic movies, but they too are an escape from my reality. (Bug off!) No matter how the press treats them, no matter how many people say they're not "artists", and talk of some far off African director who has made a great movie about a family somewhere in Sahara who lives on Camel-dunk or something, while they're life is being threatend by capitalists buliding a polluting fabric where they're skinny cow grasses, I will always hold them above all other directors. They opened my eyes to the world of movies. (Halleluja!!!)

Science Fiction

I'm a great fan of Science Fiction movies. In particular this one

Bladerunner is a great movie (based on the book: "Do androids dream of electric sheeps")

But there are other SF-movies I enjoy a lot, like Star Wars (You didn't see that one coming did you? You did???), 2001, Close Encounter of the Third Kind etc. etc. (Pretty standard I know.) And of course this one:

Highlander, a splendid movie.

David Lynch

Another favourite of mine is David Lynch. Twin Peaks is one of the few television series I have followed from start to end, except for Dynasty (KIDDING !!). I also enjoy Eraserhead, The Elephant Man and Wild at Heart, but my favourite is Blue Velvet

Kyle and Isabella in Blue Velvet

I was not so pleased with Dune. That might be because I have read the Dune-series by Frank Herbert, and imagened Dune in a hole different way (these things happens you know. Everybody "sees" a book different). And of course the fact that David suddenly was head of a 3000 man crew. Still he's a great director.

Stanley Kubrick

Stan the Man is a great director. And he's a pretty weird guy I think. When he was making The Shining (from the Stephen King novel), he once phoned King in the middle of the night (they were shooting in England) and asked him if he believed in God. "Yes, I suppose so" King answerd. "Well I don't" Stan replyed and hung up. The funny thing is, you can almost see it in the movie. All the supernatural S.K. stuff is toned down or kept out.

Stan the Man (Not Stan in Monkey Island, but Stan Kubrick) has made a couple of great movies. It's enough to mention films like "2001" and "Full Metal Jacket". But his masterpiece is without a doubt "A clockwork orange". His futuristic epos about ultra-violence and Beethoven is shocker and a reminder in all it's blinding white and violence.

A Clockwork Orange, Stan's masterpiece.

John Woo

John Woo
is a great Hong Kong director. He's called the master of actionmovies, and who could disagree after seeing movies like "The Killer" and "Hard Boiled". They contain as much action as a dozen "Die Hard" movies. Of course the hero only needs to reload when all the badguys are dead, or when he's in cover, but that's part of the charm.

Sadly John Woo has crossed the ocean, and ended up in Hollywood. His films are still full of action (good action), but with actors like Jean Claude Van Damme......

So, who are these guys? IT'S.....

Monty Python are my favourite comedians. They represent the best, and most absurd of British Humor, alongside this fellow

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster."

Gangster and mafiamovies like "GoodFellas", "The Godfather trilogy", and "Miller's Crossing" are always a pleasure(?) to watch.


Arnie's the BOSS! Don't you forget it, or you'll be sorry!

Adventure & Fantasy

I've already told you I like adventures. Indiana Jones, Willow and this one:

The Princess Bride.

Rob Reiners brilliant adventure with lots of humor.


Here's a list of great movies (in no particular order whatsoever):

And what`s more natural than to continue with actors/actresses?

Soon to be updated.....

Tv series

"Oh, no", you're thinking "not TV". Well, I don't watch a lot of TV. Most of what's going on in that little square box is crap, and I wouldn't be caught dead watching it. But Once in a while something good turns up that is worth watching. So here's what I watch on my cheap ugly little Telly:

Eh... Come to think of it, this is rather a lot. Well, what the heck, they're good series all of them.

Other Movie/TV-related links

Some day, when my pulse is a bit calmer, my schedule emptier, my disk space greater, the weather nicer, the air warmer, the grass greener, Arnold has won Oscar for his outstanding acting(?), Woody Allen retired, Liv Ullman dead, Vibekke L�kkeberg in exile and Oliver Stone confessing HE killed John F. Kennedy, this will be a great moviehompage. But for now: Good bye!