Comics and Books

My moneyspending hobby COMICS

What kind of comics do I like ?

Well, for a start, this guy's a little favourite of mine:

Bloom County is (together with FoxTrot) my favourite humor-comic, but my interest doesn't end with that. Oh, no! I read a lot of different comics. Frank Miller is my favourite (in particular his Electra Assasin). I used to read lots of DC-comics, but lately I have gone over to Dark Horse, which I think has more quality stuff (also the DC-univers sucks nowadays. Zero Hour was CRAP!)

So to give a short resume of what I read, here's a list of Writers / Drawers I fancy:

Moneyspending ???

If you collect comics your self, you know how much it costs to buy these pieces of paper. (And you NOW one shouldn't call them "pieces of paper".) If not.... What can I say... You`re lucky. BUT... You`re unfortunate too, because reading good comics is a wonderful thing. The thrill of picking up a new graphic novel and just bury yourself into it for the next hours, enjoying a good story and some marvellous artwork is just... it's just... HEY! I can't describe it. You try it yourself sometime.

I also read books.

That's right I read a lot of books too (doesn't this guy EVER go to school you think, and the answer is of course NO !). What kind you may ask, and again the answer is : Almost all kinds. But again there's some favourites. I'm a BIG Tolkien fan, and have read `Lord of the Rings` close to 10 times, but Stephen King is my all time favourite (IT in particular). At the moment I'm in a SF-period, and just now I'm reading Star Wars books (surprise!!). So to give you a little idea of what kind of guy I am, I will give you a list of my favourite authors (and I will not listen to complains about it).

I will edit this list a.s.a.p. (maybe)


Here`s some comics/books related links:

Soon to be much, much more (I hope).